Fliptop Person API Documentation

Fliptop Person API Documentation is used to get social information about a person, given an email address, Twitter handle, Facebook url, or Linkedin URL as input.

Further API Descriptions

Look up profiles with email

Look up a person's profile with email using email parameter as follows:

http://api.fliptop.com/beta/person?email=robbie@fliptop.com&api_key=<your api key>


  • email

    Pass in an email with the 'email' parameter to look for its connected profiles. 
  • api_key

    api_key parameter must be provided to authenticate your identity.
  • format (Optional)

    If you add a format parameter, the returned data will be according to the designated type. The value can only be xml or json. However, if nothing is specified with format, the default format is json. 


Http Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 OK Email(s) were processed successfully, and results were found. (Emails with no results are excluded from the response.)
202 Data not available. At least one email from the request is still being processed.
400 Bad request The request is invalid or has incorrect syntax.
404 Page not found Email(s) were processed successfully, and no results were found.
500 Internal Server error (rare) There was an unexpected server error.

Example Responses

Default format. ( &format=json )  

 "image_url": "http://m3.licdn.com/mpr/pub/image-sbfAYJF2sIumHI5iYgHb35YszieA9GIe7TfU36CtzjA-LeBesbfUqeE2zMVQLGWuIgon/robbie-cheng.jpg",
 "name": "Robbie Cheng",
 "first_name": "robbie",
 "last_name": "cheng",
 "age": "",
 "gender": "",
 "location": "Portland",
 "company": "fliptop",
 "title": "This is a test (Robot) account.",
 "email": "robbie@fliptop.com",
 "memberships": {
  "gravatar": "http://gravatar.com/robbiecheng",
  "facebook": "http://www.facebook.com/robbiecheng1109",
  "linkedin": "http://www.linkedin.com/in/robbiecheng",
  "twitter": "http://twitter.com/robbierobot"
 "influence_scores": {}

Response with &format=xml parameter.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <name>Robbie Cheng</name>
  <title>This is a test (Robot) account.</title>

Look up emails in batch (optional)

To look up multiple emails in a single API call, connect them with comma or ',' and pass the connected emails in with the 'email' parameter. The maximum number of emails in a batch call is five. 

http://api.fliptop.com/beta/person?email=robbie@fliptop.com,doug@fliptop.com,tom@fliptop.com&api_key=<your api key>&format=xml

Example Responses

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <name>Robbie Cheng</name>
    <title>This is a test (Robot) account.</title>
    <name>Doug Camplejohn</name>
    <location>San Francisco</location>
    <name>Tom Lee</name>
    <location>San Francisco</location>
    <title>Director of Product Management</title>

Look up profiles with twitter URL

To look up social profiles using Twitter URL as input, pass in a valid Twitter URL in this format 'http://twitter.com/<handle>' using the 'twitter' parameter. Batch search is not supported.

http://api.fliptop.com/beta/person?twitter=https://twitter.com/camplejohn&api_key=<your api key>

Example Twitter Response

 "image_url": "http://m3.licdn.com/mpr/pub/image-b9XniiT0l4_ugDCL2iozB9hJDNgMdej6Uxo-ZzupDd3HCVcyb9X-Oc60Dme6C5BpHGms/doug-camplejohn.jpg",
 "name": "Doug Camplejohn",
 "first_name": "doug",
 "last_name": "camplejohn",
 "age": "",
 "gender": "Male",
 "location": "San Francisco",
 "company": "UNKNOWN",
 "title": "Founder and CEO",
 "email": "",
 "memberships": {
  "plancast": "http://plancast.com/fliptop",
  "myspace": "http://www.myspace.com/dcamplejohn",
  "youtube": "http://youtube.com/user/fliptoptv",
  "linkedin": "http://www.linkedin.com/in/camplejohn",
  "gravatar": "http://gravatar.com/camplejohn",
  "klout": "http://klout.com/mi5networks",
  "slideshare": "http://www.slideshare.net/Fliptop",
  "foursquare": "http://foursquare.com/camplejohn",
  "facebook": "http://www.facebook.com/camplejohn",
  "vimeo": "http://vimeo.com/fliptop",
  "twitter": "http://twitter.com/camplejohn",
  "quora": "http://www.quora.com/doug-camplejohn"
 "influence_scores": {}

Look up profiles with facebook URL

To look up social profiles using Facebook URL as input, pass in a valid Facebook URL in this format 'http://facebook.com/<handle>' using the 'facebook' parameter. Batch search is not supported.

http://api.fliptop.com/beta/person?facebook=http://www.facebook.com/camplejohn&api_key=<your api key>&format=xml

Example Facebook Response

 "image_url": "http://m3.licdn.com/mpr/pub/image-b9XniiT0l4_ugDCL2iozB9hJDNgMdej6Uxo-ZzupDd3HCVcyb9X-Oc60Dme6C5BpHGms/doug-camplejohn.jpg",
 "name": "Doug Camplejohn",
 "first_name": "doug",
 "last_name": "camplejohn",
 "age": "",
 "gender": "Male",
 "location": "San Francisco",
 "company": "UNKNOWN",
 "title": "Founder and CEO",
 "email": "",
 "memberships": {
  "plancast": "http://plancast.com/fliptop",
  "myspace": "http://www.myspace.com/dcamplejohn",
  "youtube": "http://youtube.com/user/fliptoptv",
  "linkedin": "http://www.linkedin.com/in/camplejohn",
  "gravatar": "http://gravatar.com/camplejohn",
  "klout": "http://klout.com/mi5networks",
  "slideshare": "http://www.slideshare.net/Fliptop",
  "foursquare": "http://foursquare.com/camplejohn",
  "facebook": "http://www.facebook.com/camplejohn",
  "vimeo": "http://vimeo.com/fliptop",
  "twitter": "http://twitter.com/camplejohn",
  "quora": "http://www.quora.com/doug-camplejohn"
 "influence_scores": {}

Look up profiles with Linkedin URL

To look up social profiles using Linkedin URL as input, pass in a valid Linkedin URL in this format 'http://www.linkedin.com/<path_to_profile>' using the 'linkedin' parameter. Batch search is not supported.

http://api.fliptop.com/beta/person?linkedin=http://www.linkedin.com/in/camplejohn&api_key=<your api key>&format=xml

Example Linkedin Response

 "image_url": "http://m3.licdn.com/mpr/pub/image-b9XniiT0l4_ugDCL2iozB9hJDNgMdej6Uxo-ZzupDd3HCVcyb9X-Oc60Dme6C5BpHGms/doug-camplejohn.jpg",
 "name": "Doug Camplejohn",
 "first_name": "doug",
 "last_name": "camplejohn",
 "age": "",
 "gender": "Male",
 "location": "San Francisco",
 "company": "fliptop",
 "title": "CEO",
 "email": "doug@fliptop.com",
 "memberships": {
  "plancast": "http://plancast.com/fliptop",
  "myspace": "http://www.myspace.com/dcamplejohn",
  "youtube": "http://youtube.com/user/fliptoptv",
  "linkedin": "http://www.linkedin.com/in/camplejohn",
  "klout": "http://klout.com/mi5networks",
  "slideshare": "http://www.slideshare.net/Fliptop",
  "foursquare": "http://foursquare.com/camplejohn",
  "facebook": "http://www.facebook.com/camplejohn",
  "vimeo": "http://vimeo.com/fliptop",
  "twitter": "http://twitter.com/camplejohn",
  "quora": "http://www.quora.com/doug-camplejohn"
 "influence_scores": {
  "kred_influence_score": "540",
  "kred_outreach_score": "4",
  "peer_index_influence_score": "34"

Response In Detail

The response details are in general very self-explanatory. The basic demographic information is presented with the following fields: image_url, name, first_name, last_name, age, gender, location, company, title, and email. The social media profile URLs(facebook, twiiter, linkedin, foursquare... etc.) that belong to this contact are presented in the 'memberships' field.

You might wonder what 'influence_scores' fields is for.

'influence_scores' represent how influential this contact is on Twitter, measured independently by different influence score venders: Kred and PeerIndex.